Verida currently contracts with more than 350 independent NEMT Providers to administer transportation services for our current NET contracts. We utilize a comprehensive methodology for recruiting, credentialing, and training each NET provider that joins our network. Our negotiations with NET providers are conducted on the principles of fairness and honesty, which has contributed to our reputation as the “NET provider-friendly” broker.
Step 1
Submission of Request for Qualifications Application, Driver & Vehicle List
All interested transportation providers must complete and submit a Request for Qualifications form, Driver List and Vehicle List.
- Verida will review applications to determine if there is a need for new transportation providers in the region where you are located.
- If a need exists within your service area, Verida will contact you for an interview and request that you proceed with Step 2 of the application process.
Step 2
Submission of Required Documents
If a need exists for transportation services in the proposed area, Verida will request additional documentation to determine if your company meets Verida’ NET Provider contracting requirements.
- The additional areas of documentation include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Current business license
- Verification of liability insurance coverage
- Driver credentials
- Criminal background checks
- Current drug screens for all owners and drivers
Step 3
Vehicle Inspections and Driver Training
After the transportation company provides evidence of compliance with all contracting requirements, all vehicles under consideration to operate within Verida’ network must pass a comprehensive safety inspection.
- Verida will schedule vehicle inspections once all the documentation requirements in Step 2 are fully satisfied.
- All drivers must successfully complete all required training (First Aid, CPR, Defensive Driving, Passenger Sensitivity and Customer Service Training, Spill Kit Training, Proper Lifting Techniques, Wheelchair Securement, and Driver Orientation).
Step 4
NEMT Provider Orientation & Contracting
After the provider has met all requirements, the owner must complete an orientation conducted by Verida staff. This session covers all operational requirements.

Our network of contracted transportation providers is the heartbeat of our operation. Verida, Inc. contracts with over 900 NEMT providers, has more thatn 5,300 credentialed NEMT vehicles and drivers and manages about 5.5 million trips annually.